And I cannot do it without your help. If you believe in the cause, if you are inspired by my posts, if you just want to chat: Begin the conversation below, by signing into your google account! Say something, anything, and let the buzz begin to grow! Also keep supporting us by following the blog (click "follow" under I Roll With Sabi... all you need is a google account!), leaving your comments and/or emailing me at
If you feel so inspired that you have a few words you'd like to say to Oprah on our behalf, even better, let me know and I will post it here under your name. If you want to take the time to write letters to Oprah yourself? Perfect, send it to me too! I'd love to post it here anyway.
Think of this as a petition to get SABI on Oprah. Nothing will convince Oprah that our story is important better than a hundred, or better yet a million voices telling her that it is. So whether your interest in helping our cause is limited to following the blog, or if you want to take a more active role in making the dream happen, every little bit of support counts. SABI was born out of creative collaboration and that is what will allow us to continue being successful. Let your voice be heard. Join the cause, find your inner SABI.
Sign the "petition", tell Oprah how much you want SABI to be on her show!!!